Saturday 4 February 2012

Today the Party Starts

I'm going on about 4 hours of sleep.  It's very bright in here at night and I don't sleep well when I'm not at home with my man and my puppy.

My parade of visitors starts around 10:00 this morning.  Becky and Tom get here first and Kendall shortly after.  Followed by Mom and Grandpa, then Dan and Amber and Aunt Sharon.  And don't forget the phone calls... I've never felt so popular in my life.  Chelsea comes later with Ben and Simon. 

What a busy day!  I'm not allowed flowers or plants in my room, so Chelsea and the kids had a little fun shopping and helped brighten up my room (pictures to come) and mom brought me Grey Goose labels for my martini (IV bag).  Man, I am not looking forward to the hangover starting in a few days, but for now I feel good and I'm having a party with my sisters tonight!


  1. Haha a Grey Groose label for your martini bag. Love it! <3
