Sunday 5 February 2012

Last night was difficult.  I woke up around 3am in a cold sweat scared that this was when it starts to kick my ass.  So far I've been having as much fun as I can in here, but that was a dose of reality.  Any moment now these drugs could take over and start attacking my body and I have no idea when it's going to be.

I am so thankful for my wonderful nursing staff who reassure me on a regular basis that what I'm going through is normal and can explain what I may experience and when.  My nurse told me that cold sweats are actually a symptom of the cancer, and one of the first noticable symptoms (which is often what brings people to the doctor in the first place).  I guess the good news is that I'm already here and not just starting the diagnosis process.  As reassuring as this is, reality is still starting to hit me pretty hard and I know that this is just the beginning. 

Thank you for being here to hold my hand last night Chelsea.  I love you!


  1. Brandy
    I think I got this right and you get this message. It took me 30 mins to figure this site out and sign up. I did it without Dan's help lol. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. Lots of love keep smiling

    1. so proud of you for setting it up all by yourself! lol... see you tomorrow... have a safe drive here.

  2. Dad you are a loser lol....Dan, Kendall and I are sitting here laughing at you...and I am sure when Brandy read this, she will be shaking her head too lol. But glad you figured it out.

  3. Hey guys your dad isn't the only one having trouble signing in (lol) i guess this new fan dangle stuff is a little harder than we thought, but with some help from the young uns we'll figure this out(lol). Brandy your in our thoughts and prayers and i know that since your a strong mind girl that you won't let anything get in your way.Your gonna beat this !!!!!!! Pamela gave me your number and ext so I hope that you don't mind if I call or come by for a visit. Just keep smiling sunshine and I'll ttyl xoxooxxo

  4. hey chickie!! Im all signed up to be your blogger follower. Spa days sound good too me, i have such cute polishes too! so when i come to visit ill bring some if up for it! haha maybe you can put in a request for me to bring some of those ribs i made that you really really enjoyed along with everyone else!!! anyways try to have a goodnights sleep! ill be creeping you tomorrow lol. ox
