Friday 10 February 2012

Good News...

...I got a PICC Line yesterday!

I never thought I'd be so excited about a medical procedure.

A PICC Line (peripherally inserted central catheter) is basically my new bionic vein.  It's a latex tube inserted into a vein in my arm that goes up my arm and into my chest.  This is now a part of me for the next few months.  It's a little creepy, but it means that they don't have to stab me for blood every morning which makes me very happy.  For the most part, any drugs they give me or blood they take will all go through this and I don't have to deal with needles... This is very good news for a wimp like me!


  1. You dominate our thoughts every day. Thank you for sharing and we love you and yes, you are the baby in the picture and yes, hair like that was cool in those days...

    1. Wow Bran! You are a super inspiration! Absolutely amazing! You are in my families thoughts...lots of love and hugs!!!!!

  2. I'm trying to attach the pic......damn technology...

  3. F$#&&$@!! (you're laughing aren't you?)

  4. Strike 3.
    You should check out my new
    love you hon

  5. Hi Brandy, i am a colleague of your Aunt Nunzia, and she told me about you and your blog. I am really in awe of your wonderful attitude, and know you can get through this. Keep up the spirit!! Anthony

  6. Hey Brandy - we think of you every day and check your blog at least twice that often. Nonna speaks of you every day too, wondering how you're doing, and we relate to her what you've written on your blog and show her your posted pictures. We love you.
    Aunt Cheryl
