Saturday 4 February 2012

Friday, February 3 - And So It Begins

I get to the hospital shortly after 3:00 in the afternoon.  Kendall is by my side the whole time.  We find our way to the admitting desk and I hand the lady behind the glass my health card.  She says "What are you here for?" Um... Admission... Why else would I be in 'Admitting'?  So I tell her I'm here to be admitted and she asks who my doctor is.  I say I don't know.  She proceeds to pull up my information with my health card and it's amazing - you can actually pinpoint the moment she reads the word 'Oncology'.  Her face and body language change immediately.  Her tone of voice is softer and more pleasant.  She asks if this is my first time here, then comes around to hand my my chart and explain to us where to go.

Upon arriving to my floor (penthouse, by the way - nothing but the best for me) the nurses escort me to my room and I wait with Kendall for someone to arrive and tell me what is going on.

A doctor comes in along with Nurse Practitioner, Adrienne.  Adrienne will primarilly be handling my care as she is on the floor almost all of the time and the doctors will be rotating and overseeing everything.  They explain the type of Leukemia that I have (AML) and my treatment process.

I will be in the hospital for a month.

The first week I am on Chemotherapy.  Very agressive treatment as this is an agressive cancer. 

The  next three weeks I will remain in the hospital to recover from the chemo kicking my ass.  It's going to be rough and I'm going to get a lot worse before I get any better.  I am told that after the chemo and the recovery (when my blood counts come back up again) they will test my bone marrow again.  At this point 75-80% of people are in remission.  That's all we know for now and we'll cross the next bridge when we get there.

And so it begins...

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