Saturday 4 February 2012

Let me out... I'll stomp on it!

I thought I'd start by explaining to those who may not know that I have always been known as somewhat 'feisty'.  Now when I say always maybe this story will explain...

When I was a young tot, I was out for dinner with my family at a local Chinese establishment.  I was small enough that I was in a high chair at the time.  At some point during dinner an uninvited dinner guest showed up in the form of a mouse scurrying across the restaurant floor.  While everyone else is shocked and disgusted, I looked at my family and said "Let me out... I'll stomp on it!"

And here my reputation begins.

Fast forward twenty something years and I get a phone call that changes my life.  My reaction - Let me out... I'll stomp on it!  And here the battle begins...

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to take a moment to reach out and congratulate and commend you on your strength and perseverance through everything that has been going on in your life.
    We have never met and we do not know each other, but I know and work with a wonderful man and human being-your father Gerry.
    He recently took the time to confide & share with me this unfortunate time in your lives and I have not been able to stop thinking of either of you.
    Even know as I write this to you, I don't know whether I should or not but I feel the need to reach out to you and try to comfort you.
    That said, I wish, hope & pray GOD speed to you and a quick and wonderful recovery.
    If there is anything that I can ever be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    Now, "GO STOMP ON IT".

    George Vrozos
