Wednesday 2 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Ok, I know it's been a while, but fortunately that's been because there hasn't been a whole lot to update lately. I'm beyond the 100 day critical period and while I'm not out of the woods yet, and still having complications there has not been to much excitement to report.

Since I last wrote, I had been having stomach problems and they were concerned about GVHD again. Well the biopsy didn't show any GVHD which means that the doctors have no clue why I was randomly vomiting, but increasing my Prednisone again has stopped the problem. It has since been decreased a little, but they're weaning me off of it much more slowly this time. I'm not happy about the length of time they expect me to continue to have to take the steroids because of the unpleasant side effects, so hopefully the new drug they're trying me on will help get me off the Prednisone sooner.

I have also been having a lot of severe headaches lately. Not sure why and waiting for an appointment with a neurologist, but that will be a long time coming. Luckily, I have nowhere I have to be, so if I'm stuck in bed sick with a headache all day I have a four legged snuggle buddy to keep me company.

The only only other issue I've been dealing with is my inflamed liver. I know... I should really quit all my drinking... (anyone who knows how may drinks I've had since my transplant knows that's a big joke). Again, no one has a clue why my liver is inflamed, but they've ruled out anything serious and say it's most likely either a virus or one of the (many) medications I'm on... Just one more reason that I want to get off the steroids sooner than later. Although my doctor doesn't seem too concerned about my liver it's extremely uncomfortable and feels like something is pushing it's way through my ribs every evening.

That's it for the health issues. Other than that, I have been staying in as much as possible trying to avoid all of the sick people in the outside world. I enjoyed a very busy but fun Christmas and New Years with friends and family and hope you all out there had a wonderful holiday season as well. I plan to be online a bit more now that the craziness of the holidays is all over... Until next time...

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