Tuesday 15 January 2013

Clinic Update

Well, it's been four weeks since my last doctor's appointment, so it was a long and eventful day at the clinic today. I showed up an hour early for my appointment hoping to get in a little early... No dice. The doc was running about 2 hours behind. Luckily, because it has been so long since my last appointment and I had a long list of things I wanted to discuss with him, he did take his time with me and we went over a lot of things.

My biggest issue lately has been shortness of breath. I feel like if I walk 10 feet I am going to pass out. Since this is new and has been getting worse over the last couple of weeks my doctor is really concerned about it and I will have to have some tests run over the next couple of weeks to see if they can find out why this his happening. Until then, I guess I just need to try to take it easy and not push myself too hard.

I've also had a sore mouth and throat lately. This has made eating extremely painful. The roof of my mouth has ulcers on it which my doctor believes are from a virus, so hopefully the prescription he gave me will take care of that. My throat has been consistently sore since the transplant, but is now worse than ever. This means yet another test. I will have to see the GI doctor for the 3rd time since the transplant to see if they can finally figure out what is causing the pain.

And finally, I have had some severe joint pain lately. No idea what could be causing this. I guess I just have to suck it up for now and hope it doesn't get any worse. If it does, we'll deal with it then.

So I guess, medically speaking, I'm a mess right now and things aren't going as well as we'd hoped... But I'm taking one day at a time and so far nothing has been more than I can manage.

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