Sunday 1 July 2012

8 days to go

I've had all of my doctors appointments and everything looks good to go ahead with the transplant! Over the last couple of weeks my sister and I have had a bunch of tests done to make sure we're both healthy enough to go through the transplant. It started with a pulmonary function test. You'd think since breathing is something we all do all day every day this wouldn't be that difficult... Think again. Crazy breathing patterns, holding your breath and inhaling and exhaling as hard and long as you possibly can is extremely difficult. Luckily the technician decided my results were good enoughband didn't makenme repeat it all anfew more times. Next was the EKG and ECG. As it turns out I do have a heart... And it beats and everything! I saw it! Finally I had to collect urine for 24 hours (don't confuse it with the apple juice when storing in the fridge) and 14 vials of blood taken. At Chelsea's appointment she also had 14 vials of blood taken and a bone marrow aspiration. Odldly enough she handlednthe bone marrow better than the blood. Needless to say I love her a lot and may have to take her shoe sopping when this is all over. So now I am enjoying every minute of freedom until 6:30 am Monday July 9 when I will be admitted back into the hospital.

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