Wednesday 6 June 2012

I have a date!

Well... I have a date for the transplant.  I will be going back into the hospital July 9 to start chemo, then the transplant date (day 0) will be July 17.  Then I will be in the hospital until the end of July(ish).

Between now and then I have several doctor's appointments - to make sure my body is able to handle the transplant.  Chelsea will have some tests done on her too... Including a bone marrow aspiration - which I wouldn't wish on anyone.  I guess this shows she really does love me!  Haha!

I've been feeling a lot better the last week or two... I only sleep about 10 hours a night instead of 12... I know it doesn't seem like big news, but that extra 2 hours I now have in my day means a lot!  I've been trying to work out and get into somewhat decent shape before I go back into the hospital.  Three weeks of laying in bed takes a toll on your body... I learned that the hard way last time.  The stronger I am going in, the stronger I'll be coming out.  Wish me luck!

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