Tuesday 17 July 2012

Day -1

They didn't require anything from me until evening, so I was able to spend the night before at home.  This was the big day for Chelsea, and luckily, because I didn't have to be in my room for anything, I was able to be with Chelsea during the harvest.

Things didn't go so well for her in the morning.  She is supposed to be hooked up to the machine with a large needle in each of her arms.  They got the needle in her right arm, but couldn't get one in her left.  My baby sister's vein's are too little.  This meant they had to have a central line put in her - not a comfortable procedure.  I will never doubt how much she loves me!

They finally got everything set up around 11am (3 hours late) and completed the harvest at 4pm.  They were only able to collect about 3/4 of what I need so she's back at it again for a second day.

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