Tuesday 25 September 2012

Day 70

I just got home from clinic and it was the quickest appointment we've had yet!  It probably helped that we were there an hour early too. 
Anyway, the good news is that the doctor is lowering my dose of Prednisone (steroid).  Once I'm completely off that my face should go back to normal which I'm really looking forward to.  Right now I have 'moon face' caused by the Prednisone redistributing fat in my body to my cheeks and jowls.
The bad news is that the IV I was supposed to be on for 2 weeks, then was extended to 4 is now going to continue for another 2 weeks.  I still have the virus active in my system so I have to continue the medication longer than expected.
Kendall got more attention than I did at clinic today though.  He's been sick for the last few days, so they were more concerned with him and what he has to make sure I don't catch it.  He has a low grade fever and has been back and forth with sweating and chills.  He saw his family doctor who told him it was just some kind of virus and that I should be fine.  My doctor took it a little more seriously and did a test on him to confirm exactly what kind of virus it is.  They did a nasal swab that they told Kendall 'wasn't pleasant'.  The 'swab' they used was long and thin and went in through a nostril all the way down to his throat.  The look on his face when it went all the way down was hilarious!  The things we do for love.  So hopefully by tomorrow we'll know what he has and either be able to treat it or they'll give me something that will prevent me from getting it too.
That's all the updates we have for today.  Back to clinic next week and hopefully nothing eventful happens between now and then.

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