Friday 14 September 2012

Day 59

Well, it's been an eventful couple of weeks... When I last posted I had great news about not needing Winston and getting my hickman line out.  Change of plans. 

Kendall and I had a nice Labour Day weekend planned.  Friday in Grand Bend with his parents, then Saturday in Goderich with my family.  While we were in Grand Bend on Friday I got a call from my doctor.  Apparantly I have CMV.  This is a virus that most of us have in our systems living dormant, however in people with comprimised immune systems it can cause serious illness.  My doctor wanted me to come home to start treatment right away.  So, first thing Saturday morning I was back at the hospital to get my first dose of medication.  Luckily, I hadn't gotten my hickman line out yet, so I'm not getting poked with needles all the time and after they made sure at the hospital that I didn't have any reactions to the medication it can be administered through IV at home.  What was supposed to be a two week course of meds though is now looking like it will be four weeks.

Other than that things are moving along as expected.  Hopefully there won't be any more major complications but I'm just taking it one day at a time.

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