Wednesday 3 October 2012

Day 78

Another doctor's appointment yesterday, which means another day spent in a hospital waiting room. The good news this week is that my CMV level is negative which means the virus has gone dormant again and I don't have to have my IV anymore. So, next week the doctor is going to decide if I can have my hickman line taken out (attempt #2).

Although I have had the dose of my medications cut back, due to the length of time I have been on some of them the side effects are getting worse.  The prednisone (steroid) gave me "moon face" a couple of months ago, but now I've added "buffalo hump" to the list. Prednisone actually redistributes fat in your body to cause a round puffy face and a hunchback which I now have both of. Very cute. Another one of my meds, cyclosporine (immuno-suppressant) is now causing hair to grow on my face. Even cuter. In addition to all of this, it's been almost 3 months since the chemo stopped and I am still completely bald. So the only hair actually growing on my body is on my cheeks.

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