Thursday 30 August 2012

Day 44

I'm awake early again, as I have been every day lately.  Not sure where this has come from as I was never a morning person, and it's certainly not from Chelsea!  I'm glad to be up early today though to watch Robin Roberts final show on GMA before her stem cell transplant from her sister.  She looks amazing and she has brought so much awareness and inspired so many people to volunteer as donors.  Good luck Robin!

I got some good news at my clinic appointment this week... Winston is out of my life!  I no longer have to be tied to an IV every day at home.  My skin is getting a lot better.  It's still not cleared up, but is finally starting to go away (after almost 5 weeks).  And thank you to my doctor for quickly getting the government to approve coverage for $4000 worth of drugs that I needed.

My energy level is still incredibly low.  I slept pretty much all day yesterday.  It does go up and down and I've been able to get out of the house a little, but the ups still aren't very high at all.

I'm almost halfway to the 100 day mark!

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