Wednesday 15 August 2012

Day 29

I've been home for a couple weeks now and things are overall better than they were when I left the hospital, but my days are up and down.  My energy level is pretty low, but I have been able to get out of the house a few times. 

I have needed IV hydration and potassium at home, so I have my very own Winston in my living room and a nurse that comes to hook me up every day.  This lasts about 4 hours each day and will hopefully be able to stop soon.
my morning coffee
Another issue I've had is my skin.  I've had a reaction to one of the drugs I was on which gave me a rash all over that a week and a half later is still lingering.  I have another rash on my chest that may be Graft VS Host Disease.  It was biopsied yesterday and I should have some more information at my clinic appointment next week.  I have had some numbness in my hands and feet that comes and goes and my skin feels so raw that it hurts to get in the bath.  My lips are dry and cracked and nothing will moisturize them.  And by far the most painful issue is yeast infections in my underarms.

Things are slowly getting better and I know I just need to be patient.  It feels like it's been a long haul so far, but I'm only 29 days in and have a long way to go still.  I'm just taking it easy and reminding myself that all of these issues are temporary and I can get through them.

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