Monday 2 April 2012

Why NOT Me?

Everyone keeps telling me that it's normal to feel or think certain things, but I don't think anything is 'normal' once you hear the words 'you have cancer'.

I have been through so many emotions and thoughts, but the one thing that I haven't felt is 'Why me?'  I've heard so often that it's normal or okay to feel this way, but it honestly hasn't crossed my mind.  If anything, I would think 'why anyone?'.  There are so many worse off than me.  Why should young children get cancer?  What have they ever done?  They haven't even had a chance to experience life yet.  I have met so many wonderful people so far in my journey and none of them deserve to go through this. 

They say one in three adults will experience some form of cancer in their lifetime... So the real question to ask is 'Why not me?'

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