Tuesday 10 April 2012

I'm sitting at home today waiting for a phone call from the hospital.  Next round of chemo should start today.  This may be the last round... If they don't want to do a transplant and if the cancer doesn't come back.

I haven't posted much about transplant because I still don't know if it's something my doctors will want to do.  It's very rare to have a match within your family - especially with only 1 sibling (I would never say I only have 1 sister, but medically, I guess I have 1 sister and 1 half sister).  The good news is my sister is a match!  Who knew we had that much in common?  The bad news is because of her own health problems, the doctors aren't sure if they can use her for transplant.  We are also still waiting on some test results from Toronto to know more about the specific Leukemia that I have.  They are trying to see if they can determine what the likelihood of me relapsing is based on the chromosomes that are effected by the Leukemia in my body.  Fingers crossed for good news!

Please keep my friend Boyd and his family in your thoughts and prayers.  Boyd is preparing for his own transplant early in May.  He is using an unrelated donor and the risks are much higher for this type of transplant.  I'm wishing Boyd and his family all the best... Stay strong!

1 comment:

  1. We just have that ONE thing in common! :p

    ...thinking of Boyd...
