Saturday 10 March 2012

I got called back to the hospital on Thursday afternoon for round 2 to begin.  I'm 1/3 of the way through my second round of chemo now.  Luckily, I do not have to stay in the hospital the whole time, only over night the days that I'm getting the chemo.  This time around I am receiving the same drug as one of the ones I got last time, however it is much stronger, but in shorter bursts.  I was feeling a little sick last night, but have managed to keep eating and keep everything down.  Thank goodness for anti nausea meds :)

This round will be over on Tuesday morning and hopefully I'll have some more information on what comes next by then.


  1. Hi Brandy ! you are amazing ! So strong for a young woman !
    Just so you know ...there is not a single day without thinking of you ! Noonie's lovely niece !
    Hang in there !


  2. Dear Brandy,

    As Jude and Louise (both from Brussels) I am a good friend of your auntie Noonie, but from the Netherlands. Nunz told me about you already many times (about the holidays and other fun things she has shared with you and your sisters :-)), so it is a little bit like I know you personally.

    When she told me about your illness and your blog I asked her to forward me the link.

    I am so sorry to hear that you have to go through such a rough period in your life, and I am touched by your way of dealing with this, sharing it with so much humor, really incredible! So weird to say, but your posts are sometimes even "funny" to read. Wow, you should be proud of yourself!!

    While reading about your remission, all I can say is: hey girl, you managed to stomp on it!! My thoughts are with you and I hope you stomped so hard that you scared the sh%$ out of the disease!!

    Take care,
