Friday 30 March 2012

Catching Up (March 19-28)

Ok, I know it's been a while so let me bring you all up to speed.

Last week, after my blood transfusion on Monday, I felt great and spent the next couple of days enjoying the beautiful, unseasonably warm weather.

Thursday last week, I went back into the hospital for more blood tests and needed a platelet transfusion.  While at the clinic, I met Boyd.  Boyd and I have several mutual acquaintances through working for the same company and were in the hospital at the same time in February.  Boyd had heard about me and that I was in there but because of privacy laws, they couldn't tell him anything about me.  Turns out, our rooms were only about 100 feet apart.  Anyway, I now have a new friend who's been going through the same things as me at the same times as me and I'm wishing him a speedy recovery and a long and healthy life.

After receiving platelets on Thursday, you'd think my platelet count would have increased enough to keep me safe (for those who may not know, platelets are the cells that make your blood clot).  However, Friday evening, I was making dinner and my third stroke with the potato peeler went through the tip of my finger.  It bled... and bled, and bled, and bled.  A tiny cut, that should have bled for maybe a minute wouldn't stop bleeding.  Needless to say, Kendall got the honour of peeling the rest of the potatoes (and anything else in the kitchen that requires sharp utensils from now on).  Then the next day, I was folding laundry and managed to split the cut on my finger open and it started gushing blood again.  I guess Kendall gets to do the laundry too!

On Monday my long awaited house guest arrived... Aunt Noonie has come to stay with me for the week!  This is very exciting as she lives overseas and I only get to see her 2 or 3 times a year and usually only for short visits (a day or so).  Now I get her all to myself for a whole week - with the exception of Wednesday, when my sisters came for a visit... Which of course was so much fun - anyone who knows us knows the kind of trouble the four of us ladies can get into!

So, that's what I've been up to... Enjoying life and spending time with friends and family.  What could be better?  Well, remember to appreciate the good times... Stay tuned for what happened after Wednesday.....

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